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Tillotts Pharma (Tillotts) est une entreprise pharmaceutique internationale leader dans son marché, avec plus de 400 employés en Suisse et dans le monde. Nous avons établi notre présence en Europe et à l’étranger.

Tillotts opère dans plus de 65 pays au travers de ses filiales européennes et son réseau international de partenaires spécialisés en gastroentérologie.

Tillotts fait partie du groupe japonais Zeria Group depuis 2009.

Message du CEO de Tillotts Pharma

“As the CEO of a fast-growing, international mid-size pharmaceutical company, it is my responsibility to continuously build and form a company that is competitive, resilient and innovative, allowing us to successfully navigate in a complex and constantly changing environment.  

In order to achieve this, we rely on being able to attract, develop and also retain dedicated and highly skilled talents, who work passionately together. We are doing this by offering our employees a climate of responsibility, accountability and respect where every employee has the opportunity to excel and develop to their full potential. One of my main duties as CEO is to foster a climate of entrepreneurship; a climate in which employees can reach extraordinary goals by identifying themselves with our company. Together with our Top Management, we develop strategies and communicate these to our employees so that everyone understands the long-term goal of Tillotts.

With over 400 dedicated and committed employees in Switzerland and abroad, I am confident that we will be able to reach our goals step by step and exceed the expectations of our stakeholders because… whatever we do… we do it with passion!

 Thomas A. Tóth von Kiskér

Chief Executive Officer of Tillotts Pharma

Message du CEO de Tillotts Pharma